KLDSA School DanceSport Program Performances

As part of the KLDSA School DanceSport Program, MY DanceSport Academy lead by Chua & Evon had started the initiative to perform in schools in effort to promote the program. This is a performance done in SJKC Batu 9, Cheras.

This performance is done earlier of this year as well as the first Group Formation launched.

This is done in SJKC Sentul where DanceSport is part of the curriculum activity. The Number of students is growing rapidly and receiving great feed backs from the school and students.

This is done in SJKC Kepong 2.

This was done recently in SJKC Puay Chai 2. KLDSA is hoping to expand this program to more schools in the near future to kick start the program.
This program is now currently up and running in the following schools:
1. SJKC Sentul, Kuala Lumpur
2. SJKC Chong HWa, Kuala Lumpur
3. SJKC Mun Choong, Kuala Lumpur
4. Tunku Abdul Rahman University College, KL Main Campus
5. HELP University College, Damansara Campus
6. SJKC Pandamaran A, Selangor
It is aiming to nurture and scout for more talent among the youth as well as generating interests and educating the newer generation about DanceSport or commonly known as Ballroom Dancing.