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4 Couples Sponsored by KLDSA to Participate in 2016 WDSF World Latin Championship in Chengdu, China

From LEft (Chua Zjen Fong, Evon Chong, Che Xin Nee & Chua Zjen Thak)

4 Couples from KLDSA were nominated by the Malaysia DanceSport Federation - MYDF to represent Malaysia in the 2016 World Latin Championship in China. Usually the World Latin were being hosted in Vienna, Austria. This year China had the privilege to host it.

The 2 couples nominated were Chua Zjen Fong & Evon Chong and Chua Zjen Thak & Che XIn Nee. On Top of that, KLDSA is sponsoring the flight tickets for all 4 athletes as part of their contribution to represent the country.

The World Latin only allow every country to nominate Two of their best couples to take part. Making it the most difficult competition to compete every year. It is only being hosted once a year.

Chua & Evon managed to be ranked 67th in the World Latin Ranking. Leaving countries like Taipei, Hong Kong, Switzerland, and Poland couples behind of them. Zjen & Xin Nee were ranked 72nd despite their first time participating in the World Latin.

Overall, it is a great experience and opportunity for the couples to take part in world events like this. KLDSA is hoping to be able to help the athletes by funding their flight tickets to World events like this in future. However,, it will only be for KLDSA athletes who are nominated.

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